Twisted Donaldson Invariant

Hirofumi Sasahira  (Kyushu University)

10:00-11:00, April 10, 2018   Science Building A1510


The Donaldson invariant is an invariant of smooth 4-manifolds, which is defined by using moduli spaces of ASD connections and the Chern character of universal bundles. The invariant is a very powerful tool to study differential topology of 4-manifolds. I will introduce a twisted version of the Donaldson invariant making use of flat connections and the Connes-Chern character, and show some applications. This talk is based on a joint work with Tsuyoshi Kato and Hang Wang.

About the speaker:

Hirofumi Sasahira,日本九州大学副教授,研究方向是拓扑,几何与规范理论,他通过Seiberg-Witten等非线性偏微分方程研究三维流形和四维流形的微分不变量和光滑结构得到若干创新结果。近期研究兴趣在非交换几何在规范理论的应用上。他早先论文发表在《Asian Journal of Mathematics》,《Mathematische Zeitschrift》,《Communications in Analysis and Geometry》 等著名期刊



